This is common ground I think

Ok so what if I feel like being a leftist today is all about being far-right? Adolf Hitler was kinda a leftist. Are you ok with that? Would be kinda authoritarian off you to tell me I'm wrong...

It's a subject social concept, neither one of us has the right to say others are wrong. Which is why I never said you were wrong, I used terms like "I disagree" and "I'll not say". Meanwhile you seem to be stuck on concepts like "i'm right and you're wrong".

The former implies a deference to the whole and the potential of truth beyond oneself, the later implies the self as the arbiter of what is and is not correct that they will apply to all others.


Also, in general you should prolly slowly escalate to calls of Hilter instead of blowing your wad right out of the gate with immediate Godwin's law and I would advise being sure you properly understand what someone else means before erroneously responding with a "no u" statement. That's my opinion anyways.

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