A community should be able to impeach mods and there needs to be some type of mod scoring system too, to keep mods of subs in check

Inherent difficulty: by the time you can object, the sub has already attracted like minded subscribers (like minded to the mods, I mean).

It’s extremely similar to regulatory capture, where the government agencies regulating an industry reach an equilibrium with the industry experts employed in the private sector.

For subreddits, you can look at r/NewJersey for instance. The mods there frequently reflect a bias against conservatives and the content rules of the sub favor it.

And since conservatives frequently don’t bother with the sub because the bias is so palatable, there’s not much momentum behind any criticism of the mods.

I’ve left the sub many times but I go back because there’s no other sub for my state and I don’t like the alternate subs which seem to focus ONLY on the salt generated by the main sub.

A mod called me a douchebag when I complained about being harassed for having posted in r/The_Donald. I’ve got nothing against calling out people if they’re ignorant and obnoxious, but you can’t criticize someone for that while doing the same thing.

There’s a word for that: it’s hypocrisy.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread