Congressman Markwayne Mullin, R-OK, cowers in fear at a coup he helped create.

Your gross over simplification of the allegations in relation to today betrays your "hard R libertarian" bent. One is plausible, but unsubstantiated to my knowledge, the other defies logic or reason. Motive and potential results are key to consider here.

What was the worst result of a BLM riot instigated by right wing actors under the current government?

What was the worst result of an attempted coup in favor of the current government?

What sort of self described anti fascist is going to go risk dying to maybe accidentally kickstart a fascist government?

What sort of Boogaloo boy is going to go bust up some windows and property in the hope of making a movement he despises look bad... After saying they were going to do exactly that?

Yeah, two sides, one coin you fucking simpleton.

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