“RINO Hunter” Promotes Violence, Opposes Rule of Law, Only Manages to Hunt Down an Ass Whooping.

Almost anything that man does is hilarious (and terrifying) to me. Terrifying only because people like the ones in the article exist and support him.

But him having a rally anywhere in California is not at all surprising to me. California is filled with republicans, especially Orange County. Sure, he lost their vote but that doesn’t mean he won’t have a lot of support there still. His support across the country has gone down.

Plus Orange County is relatively easier to get to if you’re coming from Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada.

I could be talking out of my ass here but he’s not doing this rally to win. I don’t think that’s what his rallies are about anymore. They’re purely for show and control. This is how he gets to stroke his ego and keep inciting violence from his followers.

/r/LeopardsAteMyFace Thread Parent Link - sfgate.com