Constant Anger

Why are you allowing yourself to be a victim? You are not angry at the person you are angry at yourself for a reason. Be honest with yourself and find out why.

I am honest. I feel defeated, I feel that I didn't have guts to do what needed to be done. If I did what I had to do it would probably involve the police (not talking here about killing the person), and then when I saw that person again instead of confronting them despite all odds I still chose to do nothing since I though to myself it is not worth it and escalating situation will definitely involve authorities and I might lose my job etc. I am angry at myself for letting fear control me, I should not give shit about what happens after, I need to believe in my ability to handle shit no matter what. I am angry for not being strong enough. But most importantly I am angry for being angry, i fully realize how insignificant, non consequential this is, I realize that given a fair situation things would be much different and I realize that so much time has passed that I should be able to let this go. I realize that universe is impartial and that emotional attachment is the root of the problem not the event itself. I am angry at myself for not being able to let this shit go, for being weak in the mind and heart. I fully acknowledge that the reason why I probably can't let this go is my own insecurities that come from childhood and adolescence period and despite being physically much better right now my mind still doesn't understand it. It is like when you lift weights and put heavier load on the bar without realizing it then after you are done you are surprised how strong you actually are.

I don't have any figure in life who can advice me on this. But I know for a fact that this is exactly what is holding me back. This is the last barrier I need to break before becoming who I want. I want to lose fear and cowardliness. Before you recommend martial arts etc. Know that I have done all of that and been told that I am quite talented in it. This shit is in my mind.

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