I have a constant desire for sex and it bothers me

I have heard this from my society, social circle.

They say, In generally women aren’t visual. In generally women don’t experience sexual attraction visually, they experience sexual attraction from realization (have to have a few conversations with them, being friendly, share some jokes). Without getting to know the person, without knowing his personality, without knowing his identity, without any interaction, without knowing who he is as a person they don't experience sexual attraction.

Women have high sex drive but weaker/low sexual attraction. They get horny but their horniness means desire to orgasm, it’s not desire to have sex with men, craving for men body is totally absent in their horniness. It’s asexual horniness. They are just horny without any sex desire.

Their brain don’t register unknown guys the way straight men's don’t register guys. If somehow the guy become familiar with them then there is a chance girls can feel sexual attraction but it’s totally unpredictable.

Women don’t have direct lust, desire, craving for men, men body. They are attracted to men attracted to them but not attracted to men. They see attraction from men's eyes, men's perspective. They don’t feel desire for men, they have no attraction to men, their attraction is men's attraction to them. There is no self attraction from her side to the men. It’s men's attraction to them is their attraction. Even when it comes to sexual arousal, turn on women don’t get aroused by touching men or seeing men. It’s because they don’t have desire for men body, they aren’t attracted to men body. Self gravitation to men body is absent in their attraction. Men are attracted, aroused by women's body and women are attracted to it, turned on by it.

I believe girls can feel romantic attraction, love etc but they don't ACTUALLY have sexual attraction to men, their sexual attraction is based on narcissistic interest in them from men. Essentially all the guys said something regarding how sexy they find the girl, her legs, shape, breasts etc Where all the straight female's answers were essentially based on how their partner desires them, orgasms due to them etc.

So are girls even sexually attracted to men? They dont get turned on just by hot guys, male bodies etc.

Most common quote of women : due to biology, testosterone & brain wiring Women don't experience sexual attraction unless they form a connection with someone. Before a connection guys and girls are same for them. Girls see people they think look nice, it's nearly the same as when they see flowers and think they look nice. The only person that they find different is the person whom they have some sort of connection. Random guys = Flower (Platonic) No sexual orientation.

They never looked at a guy and felt sexual attraction but had a decent conversation with then they realise "oh now I am feeling sexual attraction"

Women aren't sexually attracted to the male body without acknowledging of who that man is or what his personality is like or even what his name.

If they see attractive guys with still have no sexual attraction. Presence of men, men body itself doesn't attract women if you already have no attachment with him.

Women's sexual attraction is limited to their known person. They have sexual attraction only for their well known person.

Logically speaking if women're only sexually attracted to their familiar person/well known person and if they never get any attractive person as their well known person then they will never realize their sexual attraction for attractive person.

Suppose if all well known persons are fat, short, ugly then women will experience sexual attraction only to that fat ugly person. Their sexual attraction is limited to this boundary.

Connection and familiarity is the first requirement of their sexual attraction. Their sexual attraction is totally functional, they don’t feel pointless sexual attraction.

Single girls are basically asexual until they find that familiar person.

Sexual attraction is one sided. Women don’t feel sexual attraction when they see guys in the street, or when they see random guys. It’s functional sexual attraction. They only sexually attracted to their husband’s sexual attraction to their body.

Aren’t majority of heterosexual women demisexual? Majority of heterosexual women say they don’t check out random men in the street because it’s like looking at billboard, trees, sunset etc. There is no instinctive sexual attraction when they look at their opposite sex.

Women say their sexuality is passive. They don’t feel self sexual attraction, self sexual urge. It’s men's urge that they want. If they see men they will not feel lust, but if men lust after them then they can feel lust. Even when they feel sexual desire, think about sex they don’t think about men body or men, they project themselves in men's position and desire/aroused by thinking about own body.

Women don’t propose men, they never text first, they never show interest. If men show interest first he is a bad guy. Women don’t propose guys, if men propose then they insult them.

It seems like only men have this natural urge women are totally free from it that's why they act like asexual, no craving, no hunger.

It seems like if a guy show interest to me or showing Interest to heterosexual guys. I have no inclination to men so they are not my subject of thinking. Even I don’t even notice this.

Why majority of women just ignore guys as like heterosexual guys ignore guys?

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