Coronavirus Downunder Nightly ɯopuɐɹ Discussion - 15 June 2021

Been suffering out-of-character severe anxiety and stress of late, combined with some occasional in character depression, with intense physical and emotional manifestations, burned out, frazzled, over it all, sad, really just pushing through day by day.

Got lectured and ranted at by a non-masker Covid skeptic/denier parent at school pick up. It’s not a pandemic. The deaths aren’t real. Masks don’t work. The tests aren’t real. The vaccine changes our DNA. I’m crazy to have had the vaccine. Do my own research and stop watching TV. Human rights, Geneva convention, we are all being duped, the great reset, all that stuff. The last fucking thing I needed. Half the parents from our class proudly don’t wear masks, as they walk past the older high school kids who have to wear them all day, inside and out. Fucking assholes. I feel like we are falling apart.

/r/CoronavirusDownunder Thread