Of course!

I up voted you for your opinion! I don't think you should have gotten downvoted for simply saying your sick of hearing about something! I for one am sick of hearing about it Too! To some people he's a hero, to others he is not..and that shouldn't be a big deal either way! And just because certain people may disagree with it doesn't make them hateful or close minded! Bruce says he was born with the body of s man but the soul of a woman..and I feel like I was born with the soul of superhero but Nobody is calling me batman! I don't see why the big deal all of the sudden. People do this shit everyday but just because they don't garner the limelight or national attention, they aren't Heros. So what's the difference? Rupaul was doing this shit years ago..before it was sven REMOTELY accepted but nobody ever called him a hero! There's nothing wrong with being who you want to be..I think Everybody deserves that chance!! And like I said, some people Will deem me as hateful..but I'm not!! So Cue the social media, social justice warriors delivering the grandiose, unnecessary remarks towards me if you must! I am not "close-minded," for simply thinking this has been made into a bigger deal than it should have. Or for speaking out and saying the person above me shkiksbt be downvoted for their own opinion..which he has the RIGHT to express because HEROS have fought for our freedom, a lot of whom will never get acknowledged though! And If being open-minded means unquestioningly accepting anything and everything just because it is progressive or popular, then I want no part of it! Props to bruce for standing his ground and being the person he wants to be..im not mad at him or anyone else for that! So dos vote me if Ya must..this sub is BY FAR the one that downvotes people the most because of their opinions/beliefs and that is wrong!

PS-what happened to Americsn Horror story on this reddit?!

/r/AmericanHorrorStory Thread Parent Link - imgur.com