Craig Anderson, on why have the Sens been so good in extra time: "Not really sure. I think we're not smart enough to know any different."

I played soccer and hockey. My personal soccer injury count till I stopped in college : torn meniscus, permanent sciatic nerve damage, bone bruising making it functionally inpossible to bend my leg, multiple broken noses with one crushed septum, 3 concussions, more sprained ankles than I can count, surgery to fix knee injuries that ended up giving me regular subluxation of my kneecap, numerous smaller things not worth mentioning. Hockey? I just have a clicky jaw from locker boxing in the locker room for fun and a scar from a shot that grazed my collar bone and sliced my skin, and then others not worth mentioning.

I saw a ton of serious injuries in soccer and just as much sucking it up and playing - before every practice and game there was a line of players waiting to get taped up so they could play on their injuries. There is less overall contact but when it happens it's quite often worse.

TL;DR You don't know what you're talking about at all and it's just a dumb to try and make fun of other sports in the first place. You're just making yourself look foolish.

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