CRAP! It's the 4th of July and I forgot to post the annual Matt Gif

I drew a parallels dummy, never said it was as bad as getting straight up genocided. How am I racist ?

It's a fact that French Canadian were poorly treated for centuries, that rant is literally just you trying to convince yourself and others that it didn't happen or wasn't a big deal. This is such an ignorant rant, just because my ancestor were colonizer, just as the rest of british canadian were, their struggle are invalid ? Do you really think the loser of a war enjoys a good life ?

My people were kept uneducated and repressed for centuries, because it's good now, doesn't make it okay to erase the past. You understand that the era of 'speak white' isn't even that far back, right ? People that are alive right now lived trough those time, and even though it's not as bad as being LITERALLY dead, it's a lot worse than the average.

What about the Acadian, who were literally kicked out of their home and villages, to be spread to the wind, are those just a joke too ?

I voted stay in the referendum dum dum, I don't hate Canada the way people like you hate Québec, need I remind you that it's you guys that showed up in a random thread and started blasting me and my culture out of nowhere ?

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