A critique of TWaB

That's not what people were complaining about at all. You've missed the point. Win's against win's is a Trials thing. They've specifically said that in the past. What people are complaining about now is the fact that they've started trying to grind down the better players.
What they're mad about is that they work hard to have good win/loss and KD ratios. Placing us on purpose with people that have KDs and W/L's like that is like saying, I know that it seems like the other team has a 70% chance of winning and even after this game you'll keep playing people with that w/l. BUT, your performance is up to you.
It's stupid. They're trying to have the better players grind each other down. That's just what happens when you play nothing but 70% players. Eventually, you no longer have a 70% W/L because the odds are stacked against you.
The issue is that Bungie caters to the wrong minority. The bad players. I'm not trying to be mean here, I was once in there boat. But if a subclass has a history of it's players having a higher KD, DON'T NERF IT FOR THAT REASON. That was the last time they targeted good players. They did it with no other explanation other than This class has a history of having a higher KD. We can't see a reason why from the stats, so we'll chalk it up to the class having a higher overall KD than the other ones. They just keep trying to separate skill levels when nobody asked them too. It's detrimental to literally everyone because of connection, solo play, and the learning curve when the worse players go into trials, (that's been everywhere recently).
Also, TWaB was an attempt to put that sort of theory (which I've always thought was somewhat ridiculous) to rest
This is not an acceptable response from Bungie. The people complaining the most are people on Reddit and Bungie.net. While I know that Bungie.net is a bit under educated, this is Reddit. The people complaining have seen the stats, graphs, and responses from Bungie. We make calculated responses. Don't assume that we don't put time and effort into our grievances. I'm not 10 anymore.
What Bungie should have done was offer a solution. We've seen their graphs and charts and we, as a community, have had almost entirely negative feedback about this. I feel as a player, they no longer care about this game and have moved all of their technical team to Destiny 2. This game still has issues and they have not left it in a respectable state.

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