CRUCIS MK II THUNDERHAMMER - How To Build Your Weapon in 30 Seconds

This vid highlights my ire with the current system.

Say you come across a neat build you want to try, you can't just swap a few things around in your current gear and give it a whirl. You've got to roll a weapon with decent enough base stats (or high enough specific stats to meet the breakpoints you want, which is a whole other headache), then upgrade it through purple rarity to see if it's even worth going for that last extra blessing. If not, dumpster it and start over.

Now let's throw in perk/blessing locks. If you settle for a tier 3 Thrust and lock it in on your favorite Thammer, you'll never be doing maximum damage with it (with Thammer especially, 1 shotting muties on damnation is pretty much required to make it worth it.) But if you then come across a T4 Thrust on another crapshoot weapon, you can't even put it on your main Thammer because you've locked in Thrust 3.

If you get stuck with 2 crappy perks (Either a low tier or a bad perk overall) you can only reroll 1 into something actually useful. With niche weapons like the Crucis II especially you're now limited to being extra good at 1 thing instead of 2, all due to factors outside your control.

It's such a clunky, user-unfriendly system that benefits nobody but the game devs, who get rewarded with extra player hours from people with the unlimited free time to sit at the slots all day.

/r/DarkTide Thread Link -