Culture War Roundup for the Week of April 9, 2018. Please post all culture war items here.

What? Yeah it's not professional. It's also not worthy of being in any article or even frankly tweeted about. This is female privilege. Blowing up something rather trivial and implying that it's sexual harassment.

Yes, there are far more guys who wouldn't have a problem with this but the problem is that some of them also might not have been okay with it.

But would they have tweeted. Would there be some implication that this is part of the #MeToo moment?

There's something sick about modern western culture where we prefer self righteous confrontation over shrugging off trivialities. It's not a big deal. People who think it's a big deal just want to fight and make others miserable.

The developer, moreover, likely knows that you just don't teabag women, because women rarely respond appropriately

And there it is.

Exhibit A on why Conversations about Race and Gender are never conversations.

/r/slatestarcodex Thread Parent