[Cut4] If the GOAT can wear a mask rounding third, you can too.

This is still just speculation though.

That's literally in my first sentence. The rest of your post after that statement is also speculation.

I have no evidence on the long term effects of this disease, and you don't either. It's ALL speculation, so you've said nothing here that constitutes a rebuttal. You have the same amount of data on this that I do, which is to say, very little.

Until we have a more complete picture of the risks involved with this disease, there is nothing wrong with remaining cautious. I've tried to remain polite here, but let me be frank. You have absolutely no business telling someone what risks are and are not appropriate to take right now. If Mike Trout or I or anyone else decides to be cautious that's their choice and it's a sane one.

There's really nothing else to be discussed here. The long and short of it is that neither of us have clear evidence. You are clearly trying to push some agenda here and I don't have time to argue in circles with you here any further.

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