Cute little scene between Annie and Britta in last week's episode

So I go from -4 points on the original Annie and Britta comment which prompted me to ask that no one likes Troy and Abed in the morning parodies to hopefully show people that I was saying it like when Troy and Abed would say it. Troy and Abed would adapt it all sorts of things like when they said "Troy and Abed in moooooouuuurrrning" and various other small funny things.

Basically after everyone started down voting me I wanted to make it very clear that I was trying to be funny in regards to a running joke on the show. I also wanted to make sure people didn't think I was trying to say they were lesbians in the study room or something like that.

So then I come back here and somehow the first post has 5 points and my follow up post has -18 points.

The people in this sub at times are complete assholes.

Everyone walks around like they've got 5 MeowMeowBeanz and I'm a piece of shit 1 beaner. I'm so fucking sick of the people in this sub who are so fucking nose in the air that they downvote shit for no reason. Reticently somehow this sub was listed as one of the least toxic subs but that can't be true because you guys downvote people's shit all the time. I've seen people make really fun or interesting posts about the show or jokes and you guys just downvote it but if I went a tumblr and posted anything related to community from it on here I'd get 1,000,000 points.

Look at the top voted shit in this sub, it's all just people taking clips, stills, or plot lines and putting up here with some stupid reaction like, "Cute little scene between Annie and Britta in last week's episode" which is a 5 second clip that no one ever needs pointed out to them but it's got 128 votes.

Fuck you guys. I'm so fucking sick of this circle jerk community being horrible fucking people. You guys are the City College of life and I'm the real Greendale but in the real world where Greendale never one ups CC. You aren't human beings, you're fucking jerks.

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