I once heard that Chevy chase didn't "get" Community's brand of humor

Agree with what you said except about the prestige difference between film and TV.

Movies are definitely still held in much higher regard. Maybe there’s a grey area between high end dramas and movies, guys like Cranston and Gandolfini definitely showed that in some ways a TV drama acting role can actually be more rewarding. And we’ve definitely seen more actors willing to take on those kinds of roles, Anthony Hopkins for example in WestWorld or Jude Law in the ‘Pope’ series.

But a TV sitcom will never be close to movies in terms of prestige. The only actor that I’ve seen gain really high praise for a TV sitcom role is Steve Carrell in The Office. And especially for a guy like Chevy who came up as an actor during his era, TV was always seen as a stepping stone to movies and SNL especially was probably the most important one considering the countless number of high profile movie stars that have come out of it.

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