[CWoD] A Setting where all Vampires died from Gehenna (like the Wormwood scenario) but other supernaturals still around? (repost)

Get's to show how inaccurate White Wolf got it's myths down which is a mess.

Also Xian originally meant immortals which had nothing to do with the Fae but White Wolf made it so because they appropriated it. Also the whole notion of the "Veil being thinner in Asia" get's to show how racist the writers were when they approached it. So overall it only confirms my suspicions that KotE and the Middle Kingdom is based on Orientalism/Exoticism and Racism towards East Asia than anything resembling actual Taoist/Shinto/Buddhist mythos.

Oh christ, another "so racist!" person about KoE.

I've been speaking Mandarin for the last 6+ years and have spent quite a lot of time in China, and let me tell you, the amount of nuance and details inside Chinese myths will probably blow your mind right off the cardboard soapbox this comment is coming from. Even Chinese writers who use those myths get critiqued and can't "do it right". More importantly, even if you were to get the perfect (re)-interpretation of Asian mythology into WoD based on your personal expectations (which may or may not have a deep enough understanding of Asian mythologies), the cultural gap and understanding of those things would be so large you would either find it an unenjoyable read, a difficult thing to play, or something just too alien to properly dig your teeth into and use.

It's funny, Masquerade and Demon: the Fallen take Christianity and shit all over it too but you don't hear an equal cry out for the absolute desecration of what people worldwide consider to be the very faith their entire lifes foundation is built upon.

No, the criticism is here only because it's a cheap shot, which is no better than the shoddy writing of KoE.

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