Daily Chat Thread - June 19, 2017


I have about 17 years experience. I am proficient in C# and Java but little web experience as I was in a single position for a very long time.

I did some minor work on a project 10 years ago using HTML/CSS/AJAX/Flash/ASP.NET but I did not have an extensive understanding of the stack then or now. I also used to do some client side JavaSript that was fairly advanced about 15 years ago.

I've written MVC and MVVM apps in .NET that targeted the Windows desktop. I've written several server-side applications in Java.

Guidance Needed

I have a PluralSight.com subscription.

  1. Should I attempt to become a full-stack developer or just focus on either front/back end?

  2. Based on my background what stack should I spend my time learning? The jobs in the area seem to range from ASP.NET MVC 5, to LAMP, and NODE.JS.

  3. Since I have no experience will employers still consider me for intermediate or advanced positions? If so, what is the best way to demonstrate proficiency?

Thanks for your time. I apologize if my questions are off-base as I am new to this area of development.

I am just in a bit of a panic as I have a mortgage and two young children. I want to make the best of my severance so I can find a job that will pay enough to maintain our current lifestyle. Thus far I haven't found a job available that matches my current skillset.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread