Daily FI discussion thread - October 16, 2019

I'm interviewing and 4 companies are getting serious with me. It looks like I'll have to make a decision soon, and would love some advice from like-minded folks. All of the roles would pay similar amounts, all in tech. Comp is RSU heavy in all roles.

1) Super sexy tech company, known for great work-life balance, requires I stay in a VHCOL - interesting workload

2) Super sexy tech company, known for poor work-life balance, would allow me to move to a MCOL - interesting workload

3) Established tech company, easy workload, great work-life balance, requires I stay in VHCOL - easy workload (not super interesting)

4) Pre-IPO mid-sized start-up, poor work-life balance, requires I stay in VHCOL - interesting and broad responsibilities


/r/financialindependence Thread