Daily Questions Megathread (November 12, 2019)

~Alliance Warrior question~

I've been lucky enough to get the dal rends set (unlucky enough to STILL not have the shoulders or bracers after 50 runs, my die have forsaken me).

What fury weapon combo is better going into the raids - the two rends or Krol Blade/Axe of the Deep & Mirnah's song? (assume crusaders on all weapons for comparison sake)?

Separately, now that my gear has allowed me to reach the hit cap, I have some optionality decisions at the shoulders/ring slot. What's the priority for stats when you're at hit cap? Is it crit chance > agility > AP > Strength? I'm having trouble deciding between the tranished elven ring and Magni's Will in the Ring slot.

/r/classicwow Thread