Daughter's reaction to Dad's clean shaved face

Yeah, there's no way the other commentator could have known that. I just found the choice of words funny. One of those moments you realize that your words can be impactful in ways you couldn't imagine unless you know everything about your audience. I could easily have gotten offended and been a douche about it, but how the fuck would this stranger on the internet known that my pops suffered a massive stroke a few years ago? He (my pops) was all about 'teachable moments' in life, and at the risk of sounding like a condescending prick, I like to impart those moments gently to others when I can. At times, I realize that I sound insufferable and preachy, but I try to learn from that as well. He exemplified living life as full as possible but being the best person you could.

Fuck, I have endless stories about him. He wasn't a rich man or a celebrity or a titan of industry; he wasn't famous or well-known or even that brilliant of a mind. He was generous though, and loving; he was kind and even and honest. He was very much a classical Man, without all the negativity surrounding gender. I miss the crazy fuck. He taught me so goddamn much. I'm so sad he won't be able to teach his grandkids one day, but I'm truly thankful that I can remember enough of his lessons to pass on.

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