Dear Rattit: I’m sorry so many of us come here to be jerks. Sincerely, a snake owner.

I owned rats years ago, and now I own gerbils (as well as other animals). My partner owns a snake (as well as other animals lol). I’ve always been a little uncomfortable watching him feed the snake, but I respect that the snek deserves to eat and live too. I just don’t think live feeding is the way to go in most cases; it causes suffering and pain for the rat/mouse, and can be really dangerous for the snake. Im glad our snake eats frozen. No reason for snake owners to get rude about it. I mean, I use to own fish as well, and now I own cats who eat fish in their wet food. That doesn’t mean I harass fish owners or tell them my cat would eat their fish. Fish are cute too. The same can be said for pretty much any carnivorous pet. My dog eats liver in his kibble, but I don’t look at a baby cow and immediately go “yum dog food” to it’s owner.

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