I decided to take a tolerance break….

I haven’t tried a t-break in 16 years because of my fear of not being able to sleep, even though my tolerance would suggest it’s needed. When I was a late teen all those years ago I had insomnia due to an over active brain so often times sleep was a fleeting mistress. I remember on the nights I actually could fall asleep it was when I could capture nothingness in my head and I would do it by counting one on an inhale and two on an exhale until I got to ten and then repeating over and over blocking out all other thoughts until I gently drifted off. If that doesn’t work try an oil diffuser with a relaxing scent, or perhaps more drastic try some melatonin which can be picked up at any Walgreens or really box store at this point that has a wellness aisle. Really wish you the best Amigo.

/r/weed Thread