Decrement down from 10,000 and generate a random amount of 0s or 1s in a certain order

Is this and the other thread you linked really the only relevant code?

The method startNewHand() is different between your two posts, not sure which one is what you actually have. But regardless why in both methods startNewHand() and bettingAction() do you not use any of the parameters with the exception of handsToGo in your other post?

Also where are startNewHand() or bettingAction getting called from because that code is relevant too.

At the end of the method startNewHand(), temp is always going to be 0, because the value for normal will always be at least 0 which will hit that for loop once and set the value to 0.

Also if you're calling bettingAction() at any point where you haven't manipulated the value of temp somewhere in a method not shown in either of your posts, then it will 100% always be 0. Because it's default value is 0 and anytime startNewHand is called it will be set back to 0.

/r/AskProgramming Thread