Deep Space - Exploration Missions

I understand there used to be an "exploration missions" feature way back when. I wonder if Cryptic would consider bringing something like this feature back using the "Deep Space" borders as an entry point . I've heard the original feature was randomly generated and somewhat clunky. Cryptic could always bring back "Deep Space Exploration Missions" , "stock " it with quality missions (25-100 quick, 15 minute, non-voiced missions ) to start and then open it up to the foundry authors to add more. We could have "exploration missions" numbering in the 1000s in a year. As a "grand reopening" event for Deep Space, Cryptic could also offer rewards for exploration mission user created content. Maybe unique event Admiralty ships - tiered exploration ships/probes with a focus on science? Create 1 mission get a unique Admiralty ship, create 3 missions get another Admiralty card, etc - Max 5 missions or something for all rewards.

What makes you think Crytic gives a shit a bout its customer base?

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