Denmark, you're doing it right

Here people go to vocational school because they want to. We don't all want to go to college only to then again to to uni. There is no test there are grades. No school has to accept you if all the other students needed to fill the class have better grades than you. You can apply to all the schools you want however. You do this at 16 and then if you don't get in well then you have 7 more years to apply and get free college. If you get in and don't like it, reapply to a different 'branch' of learning. College is not mandatory, you are encouraged to do it but no one will force you so you are not sent to vocational school unless you apply for it. No one wants to give room for someone who doesn't want to be there when there are plenty of students that do. Free college/university does not mean you will get into what you want just because you want it. Like any country you got to work for it.The better you are the more likely you will get into what you want just like you do. We just removed the issue of 'not being able to afford it' if you had good grades.

Our liquor stores monopoly was started due to Prohibition. People are really happy with them because the stores are nice and the people there know their stuff. I mean they do wine classes and have their own podcast on liquor. Service is generally great so no one is really up in arms to change this. Pricing would be high even with private stores because alcohol taxes would stay the same so if anything that's what people want changed about alcohol laws. Weed gets you a fine, in the US it gives you prison time. We do have a conservative view on weed, no doubt about that.

I can't comment on the benefits asi don't know enough about the payout to comment but being on benefits is not something you want but it's there if you need it. It won't make you rich but it will keep you off the streets.

If you changed Sweden to Norway on that last sentence i would have though "oh, they had low grades to they had to go abroad to get into what they wanted."

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