McConnell: DACA deal not happening this year

Considering the refusal of the republicans to properly adress immigration consideration by other means that nazi ethnic cleansing, and the amount of funds they stole, i kinda feel myself forced to point out that we now have to redirect the budget share once allocated to the ICE away toward education and healthcare.

With $700B of appropriations for a year the DHS (or "Department to Homeland Security", which might or might not be a loose translation from the russian of "Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti", or "KGB") is also an oversized agency that despite starting to shadow even the US military is only used to oppress, illegally imprison, kidnap, torture and otherwise mistreat large numbers of citizens, including a very large part of officially encarded citizens.

That is ignoring the amount of money that is outright stolen, and in many case, sent to offshore accounts that seem to coincidentally be frequently hosted in russian banks.

I do feel compelled to , ahem, encourage reducing (manu military) it's budget by 90%, that is below 50B starting immediately.

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