Dennis McKenna: Origins of the Human Imagination - Plant human symbiosis

Shaking fists, and curses like "you dense jackass" and so on - that's what this type pseudo science has to offer.

Yes indeed I have not, nor would I be interested to - step into the parlor of giving you "some rebuttals" in terms you demand - on fallacious premise that there are 'points' he brought up.

In fact, what you call "points" - devolve to conflation, spin and obfuscations left and right. No, I wouldn't like to partake with creationists, nor with 'stoney apers' - of the rampant 'specifics' of nonsense their 'rules of discourse' dictate.

All that on one hand. On the other -

The very foundation of your 'damage control' emergency drill, trying to salvage or rescue this 'schmeorizing' from itself - has no legs. Nor any ground under to stand on regardless - unless you consider 'pussy footing' some sort of critical distinction of any least meaning other than - you don't like what I said.

Same with your heroic schmeorist up there - his 'theorizing' needs concentrated confusion, e.g. between agriculture (a cultural innovation) and genetic / phenetic change i.e. evolution. Likewise with little distinctions like - symbiosis, and coevolution. For the all important purpose of Dr Mackie's sciencey show boating vainglory, those are terms to exploit by using them interchangeably as if they're synonyms.

I feel I've stated the simple simple fact. And without 'wink wink' quote marks you, and other science exploitation operations - put around the word scientific. As if coyly inviting all and sundry into your elite society, of Those Who Know Better.

You're some anonymous redditor, with plausible deniability for not knowing any better. But there's no excuse for that guy in the video. Even the fact that it was his brother who invented evolutionary pseudoscience for trippers, doesn't bail his fraudulent ass out of the hole he's dug himself into.

He doesn't have an innocent plea or alibi for not knowing what the hell he is talking about - "the points he brought up" as you chirp. There's no detectable point, only clear and present obfuscation, deliberate confusion and defiance of science.

He doesn't have a 'not guilty' plea in reach - for the constant, consistent conflation he pursues. Unless you think he's really really so uneducated, so stupid - as to think terms like coevolution (as he announces the 'theory' is about) - and symbiosis - mean the same thing.

Or that either coevolution - or symbiosis - would have any valid reference to the transition from Paleo to Neo stone age. Culture isn't a biological adaptation, i.e. a matter of evolution.

You can say I 'didn't confront any of the points he brought up' if you really need to. As if saying so can make it true or valid, like a 'point' (ahem) - but I'm familiar with the teachings of this type "theorizing" i.e. its compulsive nature, and incapability. Trying to bring reality under its command, by saying 'this and that' in hocus pocus fashion - isn't very compelling, in evidence or in theory. In fact, it comes off not just stupid, but aggressively arrogant and condescending.

No wonder the cowards last refuge - snottiness, attempts to offend. I feel that's what you're doing, in essence, or trying to do in your reply - trying to be insulting, "you dense jackass." I don't need to do that, I'm well disposed to simply note the vacuity and bankruptcy of such 'conversation' - even as to its prospects, much less what it already 'manifests.'

Maybe this is fare for a letter of concern, from a former U of MN system professor (your humble narrator) - to the UMN president's office. I assume the University administration is blissfully unaware of what their prodigal 'theorist' does, and is doing - in promotion of a pretty desperate ignorance, exploiting his educated robes to put on such an operation.

Maybe some Dean could ask program directors or chairmen in UMN anthropology - biology - various disciplinary fields being raided and ripped off, in service to psychedelic schmeorizing - by our distinguished character, the Other Brother Abysmal himself.

Maybe Dr Plant / Human Symbiosis - er, make that Coevolution (at his key note opening) - would benefit, learn something. Maybe it wouldn't hurt him to be officially, competently advised - set hip - the transition to agriculture and permanent village subsistence / settlement pattern - did happen.

And our species evolved. Its just that the 'agricultural revolution' that just began around 12,000 years ago - and the origin of Homo sapiens some 200,000 years ago - aren't the same thing. Nor is cultural development and change, synonymous with biological evolution. The origin of our species refers to the latter, not the former.

Interesting though, the testimony in such rich evidence - to chart teachings and pseudo science of contemporary psychedelia - as it devolves. For those determined to 'think along with Terence' - the definitions distinguishing nature from nature - the boundaries of their respective meanings - have been 'dissolved.' We can't have meanings or definitions of words, they have to be violated, conflated, obfuscated - pounded down to incapability of any valid purpose or context.

Not just the 'teachings' of psychedelic pseudo science on display -its the Modus Operandi, involving 'ways and means.' An M.O. rests on more than just motive - it seeks opportunities, where 'the coast is clear.' For example in a tripper tentshow, as our brilliant theorist of Plant Human Symbiosis avails himself - or reddit.

And the means utilized for staging whatever demand - whether its attention to the Little Theory That Could - or trying to cue as you do, on false pretense - some 'relaxed "scientific" conversation.'

The terms of such evolutionary pseudoscience range from meaningless to propagandistic. The means are pure shellgame, the "hand is quicker than the eye - round and round the word shells go, which one is the definition pea under now? Place your bets, step right up - hurry hurry, scoot under the edge of the tent inside, where there is light, and action - the elves are waiting, juggling even now in the center ring." - quoting Dr Deceit's late bardic brother, who let the fundamentally PT Barnum nature of his 'conversation' show with no bones - parading it in audacious swaggering fashion.

Sorry, all you can do with that dead horse - which was never even alive - is keep beating it, more and more furiously, to try and make it 'git up and go.' Same problem the creationists have, with their 'sciencey' schmeorizing - they can no more get over it, than the psychedelic version of this type scam can. Sorry pal, read it and weep.

Regardless whether its of the Old Time or the New Age (with or without the "help" of psychedelics) - the only thing pseudo science can do is fish for True Believers. Not only does it have no merit, it has no honesty - as reflects in a character like the above. He has to avoid scientific notice like that plague, to get away with that - and seek Followers to help huff and puff, inflate bubble.

Whether its a 2012 'eschaton' or a 'stoned ape plant /human symbiosis' story line - its just a big set up. And the more overblown the more violent and disconcerting for those invested - the louder and more distressed the hew and cry, from those invested in the inherent denial and science defiance.

Fire drills of damage control - your defensive reply to me, for example (in this context) - are also noteworthy in evidence. Its like prophecy come true, "there shall be a wailing, and a gnashing of teeth." The emptiness and bankruptcy of such panic reactions, trying desperately to 'draw wagons in a circle' around the schmeory. And of course, even more protectively, around its glorious prophets or messiahs - the figurehead schmeorizers. In the pseudo theorizing context, they are 'untouchables' - strictly for praise and worship (to be 'respected' in jihadist language).

The clear features of a fanatic-like preoccupation are as telling, about the relative 'merits' of such schmeorzing - as are the blatant distortions and manipulations on which such pseudo science stakes its claims, right from the start.

Well - cue your dogmatic assertions of 'this and that' - as if they even mean anything, or can convey any substantive 'conversation' - you can't converse with me, all you can do is like Sig Weaver in ALIEN - the lobby poster at least. Scream in space where doing so can make no sound.

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