Depression tips?

Depression makes everything so difficult that we forget to do even the most basic things that help us feel better physiologically, like eating and drinking water.

During the worst of my depression, I went days without food and very little liquid because I just had no appetite—nothing tasted good. And so my brain just learned to ignore hunger signals. The cycle was vicious and I ended up losing 25 pounds that I didn’t have to lose.

So at the very least, if nothing else, make sure you’re drinking water and eating for the sake of your physical body. Being hydrated is essential. If you’re finding that you can’t get yourself to eat, try some yogurt or smoothies or meal-replacement drinks. These often have added proteins you’re likely missing out on, which will also help you feel better.

I’m sorry that you’re struggling. I hope your therapist can help you find ways to relieve some of what you’re experiencing.

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