Despite the amount of criticism, who else REALLY, liked Man of Steel?

Yes, these are the only two arguments that people always refute, movie being dark and Superman killing Zod.

What about shaky cam, quick zooms, badly shot action? Avatar, Matrix and other movie ripoffs that are in this movie? Lack of character development for Louis Lane or any need for her to be in this movie at all. No development of Zod, his companions or anyone else. Cliches, hero saving a bully that was a d*ck to him. This movie being another origin story. Blatant and shameless product placement that literally was written in to the movie, Lois Lane went to Sears for Christs sake. Cheap ending, whole city rebuilt in one day, Lois Lane teleporting in to the train station. Explaining of Superman's powers and then breaking all the rules when he can breathe and fly in space, his suit being in an thousands of years old ship. Superman going to an actual church and asking a pastor for an advice. No one has any dimensions, people are either good or bad. Superman's father died because of a dog, he died because of a dog, that was the best reason they could come up with.

No one can still recognize Superman in the age of NSA, facial recognition technologies and Kent is working in a newspapers so his photo is defiantly posted online. No one is looking or can find out who he is. Jesus, this might have worked in the 60's but now.. bring this sh*t in to the 21'st century already.

And finally this movies sequel being cancelled because filmmakers and producers saw that it wasn't that good and instead rebooting Batman and making Justice League. Even they saw it, you can like this movie, do whatever you want but we all have to accept the reality here. Just because it's "original" (third reboot of Superman) doesn't mean it's good -> Chappy, Fantastic Four, American Ultra and the list goes on.

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