Destiny Update 09/08/16

Alright so Bungie said Salvage was changing, but this change literally only makes the gametype worse. The only thing these changes have done for the better is give the opposing side less time to try and take the Relic. They're still getting massively rewarded for letting the Relic be taken first so they can sabotage it. This is the reason why pretty much everybody hates Salvage. The game becomes a waiting match to see who goes and takes the Relic first so the other team can swoop in, melt their opponents down and snatch up all of the points for themselves. There needs to be a greater point reward for actually holding the Relic for the entire time.

If the function of the gametype lorewise is to find and recover relics from the past to be studied, then why in the fuck does the game reward sabotaging the other team's relic more than actually recovering it? That's like having two archaeology teams working on digs but one side decides to toss a few hand live hand grenades in to destroy some of the things their rivals are digging up. It's completely antithetical to what they're trying to do.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread