Detailed survey to determine the community's views on the current card balance

Not OP, but here is the information straight from the poll:

This poll is a check on how the mojoriyy of forumers feel about how balanced the game is right now. Especially after yesterday's changes, which polarised many people. By this thread, I hope to make it easier to gauge people's opinions on each card and make it easier to provide evidence for people posting their opinions on each card, at least until the next changes supercell makes.

It would be great if someone posted this on reddit or across various clan chat apps.

If you feel this poll would be useful, please comment to make sure ot stays on top and gets enough votes for the data to be relevant.

The most used cards are 1. Zap (78%) 2. Mini-Pekka (51.9%) 3. Elixir Collector (37.8%) 4. Musketeer (34.9%) 5. Minions (32%) 6. Ice Wizard (31.5%) 7. Poison (30.6%)

The least used cards are 1. Barbarian Hut (0.7%) 2 Mirror (0.9%) 3. X-Bow (0.9%) Mortar, Rage. Skeleton Army and Lightning all come next at 1.3%

The only card people clearly want nerfed is giant, with a 1000 people asking for it.

Baby Dragon, Skeleton Army, Mirror and Log are all popular options for buffs.

The most balanced card is Minions.

Also, 61.4% of clashes are unhappy with the balancing.

/r/ClashRoyale Thread