Diet fads are destroying us: Paleo, gluten-free and the lies we tell ourselves

Fad diets can certainly be silly. This article points out that these fad diets have no scientific backing that they're actually healthier for you, that the healthiest thing you can do is eat everything in moderation, which I understand. I'm not vegan because I think it's healthier in a nutritional sense. I guess it is a sort of religious ritual in a sense, but not because I want to fly or have mystical powers ha. It's about being more mindful and connected. I'm learning more and more about what foods have what nutrition and it's been so good for me to take care of myself in this way and find a balance. Yesterday I made sushi for the first time! I understand this can be done without giving up all animal products. Which brings me back to the point where we're enslaving animals, making them suffer, and fucking up the environment. If we killed animals only buy hunting them in their natural habitats and controlling their population then I could eat meat again. That is not the case though, and as the meat industry stands today it's filled with suffering. The whole world (environment, animals) is suffering because of it. If humans grew more food for themselves and everyone ate locally the environment would be better able to survive and we could all sustain. If we all looked at everything we were doing and realized our impact and the impact of what food we eat from mental, physical, and environmental we would drastically reduce the horrible decay of ourselves and the world. Humans need to quit living in la la land pretending everything is okay because it's not (myself included, I know that I'm not being 100% truthful with myself all the time). There are countless studies saying so (regarding environment) that everyone ignores because it hurts too much to face. This article talks about following these diets to feel more authentic. Hell yeah, that's true because ignoring all the environmental problems and the problems of the animal industry is lying to yourself. That's why you feel more authentic when you change your diet, whether you are actually doing anything or not (looking at you gluten-free diet). We all need to look at the source, study the impacts of all our actions, and quit hiding from the truth. Being a vegan isn't the end-all cure-all but it sure is a step in the right direction if you ask me.

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