I have gastritis and I don't know what to eat

I have the same. Gastritis, if treated and causes addressed, will get better. Do you know what caused yours? I would start keeping track of the food you eat and reactions after- everyone is different. I would recommend eating 3 meals, and not having food after 6 pm to give your gut a chance to cleanse (called migratory motor complexes). It will prevent from getting or worsening a bacterial imbalance, which will then affect the function of your gut (both contribute to gastritis). Avoid all sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs. Limit foods high in fat. Avoid huge meals. Make sure your meals are well balanced (carb, vegetable, protein). You might need to eat easy to digest/ bland foods until the gastritis heals. Jasmine rice is great (easier to digest than any other rice). Steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots), ripe avocado, bananas, peeled cucumber, zucchini, etc (lower residue vegetables) are a good option. I would introduce higher residue foods later, as you improve (green leaf vegetables, unpeeled apple), and I would leave gas producing foods (beans, nuts, dry fruits) for last. Tofu and cheese (make sure you eat those as pet of a balanced meal) are good protein choices. Taking a probiotic (recommend Align or VSL3) will help too. Drink plenty of plain water. This stuff takes months to heal. I’m sorry you have it.

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