"Directory of Restaurants that do not allow misbehaved kids"

I don't really see how useful this would be anyway.

As a parent of a two-year-old, it's always a bit of a risk deciding to go out to eat, which is always a very tempting option considering how exhausting a small child can be.

However, most parents understand their children and can at least somewhat ascertain if it's a good move to bring a kid to eat with them depending on demeanor, rest, availability of at-table entertainment, etc.

Ultimately, I think most people's "awful kid" experiences in restaurants boil down to either choosing the wrong restaurant (what do you expect at a "family" restaurant?) or just being unlucky to have ended up at the same restaurant as someone who either didn't give much consideration to if they should bring the kid or the kid just got upset despite the parents' best intentions.

With all this said, my view on this "directory" is that you're not going to get much out of it. Restaurants rarely have any kind of policy on how to handle children. They generally count on having a reputation as being a more adult-only kind of place. Still, that doesn't necessarily stop parents from bringing kids for a multitude of reasons. In the end, the easiest way to vet "kid-friendliness" is look at price and check for a kids menu.

They are vague on their metric of restaurants with a "bad children ban", and understandably so. I don't see how it's quantifiable. Some waitstaff and management may ask a parent to remove an unruly child, sure, but I don't see any consistency in that from business to business, or a measure of what "unruly" is.

I mean, if my kid acts up in a restaurant, it's usually just a handful of seconds before I take him outside to calm down and have the restaurant bag our food to go. I don't suspect I'm all that much of an outlier.

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