Should we be normalizing sexwork considering the outcomes are almost universally terrible?

It depends on your ethics and your understanding of society. If people don't comprehend the negative effects and haven't thought about it, they would be oblivious to it.

The society can normalize XYZ if enough people agree with it (many times with the help of years of indoctrination and 'education') but it doesn't mean that everyone has to go with those standards.

Sex work is harmful to the individual, the client, and the community. The same folks who would yelled at you for not wearing a mask (because it spread disease during the pandemic) are ok with sexwork without having any sense of being inconsistent. Sexwork spreads STDS in the community, every study proves this. And they cheer this work which places burden on the society, mentally and financially.

It exploits women from poor and traumatic backgrounds and in the process damages them more. How many wmn from affluent families get into sex work? Would Rddt be ok with the fresh supply of Ukra.nian sexworkers in the brothel? Why people end up in this line of work and what 'consent' really means are complex issues.

/r/DeepThoughts Thread