[Discussion] The answer to %99 of technique questions


I'm gonna go right out and say it. The internet is handicapping a hell of a lot of people. At the risk of sounding like an old man, when I was a young guitarist I never knew anyone who got so worked up about such tiny stuff as some of the users here. The internet is seen as some sort of sacred chest with all the secrets of the universe and as a result I see more young players ignoring the process of self-discovery and relying on the knowledge of others for very insignificant things.

The internet is a powerful tool, but don't treat it as a replacement for your brain and the usefulness of tinkering. My reaction to these kinds of threads is something like my reaction to questions at university music clinics. Some famous legend flew all the way to your school, you have a small window for questions, and you want to know what brand of strings he uses or how he fingers a major scale? There are no stupid questions, but there are ones of questionable value when posed to others. I'm not trying to stifle questions, rather encourage students to do more independent exploration and then ask questions.

/r/Guitar Thread