[DISCUSSION] Why is Shawn Lane never talked about?

What a terrible comment. Shawn Lane wasn't famous because a lot of virtuosos aren't talked about. "Fat" "Overweight", Let me tell you something, Shawn Lane worked with Ringo Starr, Willie Nelson, Etc. He worked with artists you'll never work with. He's been featured on Rick Beato's youtube channel with over 3 million views. Can you say the same? No? So then shut up. He's obviously revered within the guitar community.

He's been cited by Guthrie Govan, Eric Johnson, Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen as one of the most technically proficient and melodic players ever. You then go on to claim that most guitarists can't name a single song he's written. Who are you to make such an assertion? Just because it's not emotional to you doesn't mean anything.

He's written songs like "Get Back", "The Way It Has To Be", "Illusions" just to name a few. What have you written? What qualifications other than picking up old rocks do you have to make such a claim?

Honestly? You sound like an insecure rock/blues player that doesn't know theory and noodles around in the pentatonic scale. You probably know four Chuck Berry licks and think you're a God. You love convention and sameness, which is what killed rock.

Thankfully, bands like Polyphia have changed this poor habit with their breakthrough album. There is more of an interest of theory than ever before and guys like Shawn Lane are continued to be remembered, whilst you'll never play like him or be remembered. Do yourself a favor and know the difference between an opinion and fact. Shawn Lane made music. If it's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but don't go an dismiss him as not being remembered for being fat and "non charismatic"

I'd rather listen to Shawn Lane's music and ideas than hear another sloppy Jimi Hendrix solo. And I actually appreciate less technical players like David Gilmour, but I respect players that Shred and don't dismiss it as unmelodic.

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