Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) said this week that he is seeking co-sponsors for a “Shut Down the Shutdowns Act” that would automatically extend existing appropriations levels for another fiscal year whenever Congress fails to fund agencies before their money expires.

People forget how powerful the environmental lobby was in the late 60's/early 70's (rivers catching on fire will do that). As I mentioned above, Nixon was facing veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress. In order to circumvent the establishment of a powerful environmental agency, he signed an executive order that did little more than reorganize some federal agencies without giving them any significant power. Nixon understood political realities and knew that rather than pushing against the parade, it would be best for him to run out in front and pretend to lead it.

That is the most revisionist bs I've every heard, you need to to throw some proof out that was his intentions.

Which explains why, in 1972 when he didn't need to play along anymore, he vetoed the Clean Water Act

He only vetoed it because of a worry about“spiraling prices and increasingly onerous taxes” .

His words on the matter:

The pollution of our rivers, lakes and streams degrades the quality of American life. Cleaning up the Nation’s waterways is a matter of urgent concern to me, as evidenced by the nearly tenfold increase in my budget for this purpose during the past four years. I am concerned that we attack pollution in a way that does not ignore other real threats to the quality of life. Legislation which would continue our efforts to raise water quality but which would do so through extreme and needless overspending, does not serve the public interest.

There is a much better way to get this job done. A bill whose laudable intent is outweighed by its unconscionable $24 billion dollar price tag - the bill which has now come to my desk would provide a staggering, budget-wrecking $24 billion dollars. Another provision would raise the federal share of the cost of future facilities from 55 percent to 75 percent - actions which would not in any real sense make our waters any cleaner.

I have nailed my colors to the mast on this issue. The political winds can blow where they may. I am prepared for the possibility that my action on this bill may be overridden.

YOu need to show a source that has him saying he did it for reasons other then the budget and the price tag of the bill, rather then the goal of the bill..

Healthcare I am will to concede to you till I can find the old paper I read about it.

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