Discussion of the first US presidential debate

The right-wing networks all seem to be convinced Republican Lester Holt was "in the tank" for Hillary.

  1. Your link in point 1 doesn't really match your statement, nor does it match the multiple fact-checking instances done on this case: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/sep/16/donald-trump/fact-checking-donald-trumps-claim-hillary-clinton-/

    1. I mostly agree with you on the lack of importance of Trump's claim that he was against the war. When he uses his opposition as a platform, however, it deserves to be mentioned that his previous statements have been conflicting. He seemed to be casually for the war before he was against it: http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/donald-trump-and-the-iraq-war/

Clinton's support for the war, also highly publicized, was also qualified: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/war_stories/2016/02/hillary_clinton_told_the_truth_about_her_iraq_war_vote.html

  1. Your points in question 3 seem to begrudge Holt for not rehashing conspiracy theories (mostly innuendo or debunked scandals) from Drudge - if that is your standard every moderator short on Hannity will seem terribly biased.
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