[Discussion] How many of you torrent comics and why?

I truly see piracy as stealing, just because it is easy to steal doesn't make it ok.

The key difference between piracy and stealing, at least in my eyes, is the lack of a victim (while we are limiting our discussion just to the people who pirate what they still wouldn't buy otherwise). If I go to my LCS and steal a book off the shelf then I have taken something someone else has paid for and caused them to no longer have it. If I pirate that same book I have merely generated an extra copy that no one ever would have bought anyways. As long as it doesn't cause me to not buy the book in the future when I otherwise would have there is no victim. I really don't see a strong ethical difference between piracy and borrowing a copy from a friend, and I think most would agree that borrowing media from a friend is ethical.

Piracy doesn't benefit everyone because now DC or Marvel has one less sale

But we were limiting discussion to the specific case where the person wasn't going to buy it anyways, a.ka, the case where it isn't a lost sale, it's at worst neutral. If we're operating under that assumption I don't see how you can call it a lost sale. If we're not operating under that assumption I already said I think people who pirate what they otherwise would have payed for are assholes.

If the person can't afford the paper comic the benefit of them enjoying it by piracy is a potential sale in the future at best and a lost sale at worst.

If we're removing the case where it is a lost sale then isn't a future potential sale or multiple future potential sales better for the industry than the nothing the industry would get if people didn't pirate at all?

I personally don't see piracy as ethical, I see it as not doing the minimum to support the creators of content you enjoy.

If someone's maximum budget on comics is $100 dollars a month, as long as they spend that wouldn't they being doing all they can to support the creators they enjoy? Does it actually hurt anyone if they then pirate another $50 worth of stuff? If that extra $50 worth of stuff causes them to give recommendations and provide free advertising wouldn't not pirating actually be doing less to support the creators they enjoy?

Anyways, I very much doubt I'll change your mind and you are certainly entitled to your own code of ethics so I'll leave it there. Thank you for engaging in this discussion in a respectful manner.

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