[Discussion] Need Motivational Advice?

I'm 24, working my dream job, have the man of my dreams, and I feel empty, blah, and I unmotivated.

I studied my ass off at college and ended up getting my dream job. I do fire investigations and I support fire prevention functions like public outreach and fire inspections. So I have a pretty "meaningful" job so to speak. Unfortunately, It's been extremely busy lately, and just the other day I had to do an investigation on a fatal fire, and need to attend the autopsy this afternoon. There has been so much stress and pressure at work.

The man of my dreams and I have been together for just about two years. He is everything I have ever wanted and needed, supportive, loving, caring, and hard working. Our work schedules only allow us to spend time together for dinner and a few hours afterwards (we don't live together). He works long hours and doesn't typically have time to spend on himself so I like that he can come over and relax and spend some him-time at my place. I don't know if feeling a lack of us-time is a byproduct of that.

I have zero desire to get out of bed in the morning. I want to do something, be busy, be happy, but I don't know what it is or how to do it. I spend most of my time thinking about the future, like having kids and having a small farm. If not that, I'm playing a game on my phone or waiting for something in that game to refresh so I can keep playing.

Is this what burn out feels like? Just now as I'm sitting here writing this, i want to cry big fat tears of I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

/r/GetMotivated Thread