[Discussion] I opened 75 Wild Hunt Crates, here are the results.

Opponent? like this is a fight? I said your OC(original content) was good. But i was puzzled why you would include a disclaimer about this being gambling? and focused that disclaimer to younger people.

This is an argument, which means we have at least 2 sides = you're my opponent and vice versa.

So how come you don't go to a casino. Spend a bunch of money. Write and report the results? then say "Don't forget younger folks this is gambling". Because the assumption is that gambling is rated Mature and children under 18 within normal circumstances aren't able to partake legally. it's literally needless to say.

Because i don't need money and am not stupid enough to gamble. As i already clarified somewhere in this post already, my main reason for buying the crates is not to make this post, i am buying them to get all the items. Also crown crates are guaranteed to reward you with all items available as long as you buy enough of them, which i did so i didn't use the crates in a gambling fashion. All of this is very clearly explained and described in my post...

There is literally casinos in new orleans that are open 24/7. they never bother to lock the doors. honestly I am not sure locks even exist on the outside set of doors. There is no doorman or ID card checker. If your 17 year old walked in there. no one would stop him. They would only be stopped if they tried to buy chips once inside. The same can be said for ESO. No one is stopping the kids from getting into ESO, except their parents and the people that sell the game at the physical retailer. ESO stops the kids when it's time to run the credit card. children can't legally own credit cards. So for a child to use a credit card. it has to be with parental permission. if the child steals the credit card..well that's another debate.

Already refuted all of this, read my previous response.

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread Parent