[Discussion] Shame on the Pangu team for hosting this intentionally incredibly misleading page discussing an iOS 10 jailbreak. To clarify, there is NO iOS10 JB of course.

As if jailbreaking isn't scary enough for new/inexperienced users as it is, I think it's pretty shameful to make this page so intentionally misleading so as to tempt in users who don't know what they're doing and get them to install a shortcut to the Pangu website. It's a well-crafted page designed to look like a jailbreak tutorial at a cursory glance while maintaining plausible deniability by including, at the bottom of the page, a paragraph stating that there is no jailbreak. They know full well that most users will excitedly follow the picture tutorial after glancing over the initial text. They even put "iOS 10 Jailbreak" in bold in the first paragraph to draw the eye.

I just think it instills mistrust in the already-mistrusted jailbreak community. It doesn't exactly give me reassurance in someone who is trying to get me to run potentially-unsafe (for all I know) code on my device. The whole community is based on trust and I sometimes see little things like this that give me a grain of suspicion at the back of my mind whenever I do anything jailbreak-related. As an experienced user with a computer science degree and a job in software engineering, I feel like I have an advantage but even then I feel like I don't know where to place my trust. New users must be very intimidated by stuff like this.

That's all. Any opinions? Am I overthinking this? Is this misleading/clickbait/whatever sort of thing accepted as normal?

/r/jailbreak Thread Link - downloadpangu.org