If you ever feel like you're being too neurotic, check SDN for a reality check

https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/comments/5sn7s8/who_from_sdn_annoys_or_pisses_you_off/ddgbkg5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 I think a lot of people voiced similar opinions here, and in general his advice is good. but a not insignificant amount of the time they're very adamant that his opinion is the only opinion and is very condescending and pretentious about it but it turns out they're wrong. I hear so many stories about how goro told someone to do something and was very self assured about it and that advice turned out to be the reason why someone wasn't getting into med school. I think b/c they're an adcom people have trouble taking goro's advice w/ a grain of salt and goro seems to relish in this fake internet sdn power that they've gotten.

/r/premed Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it