[Discussion] The State of Control Priest

Having a lot of luck with Control Priest myself. Here are my matchups this season: http://i.imgur.com/U5CJx4K.png

Deck list: http://i.imgur.com/9jE8E31.png

I am around rank 6, 67% win rate is just about the best i've ever done.

Mech mage is fairly favoured, pyromancer and auchenai carry here. Turn 1 cleric puts early pressure since they don't really have a 3 attack creature except cogmaster. Loatheb or Sylvanas deal with Archmage.

Warrior I personally have always found favoured. I think last season I was about 80% against warrior.

Hunter is now extremely favoured, similar to mech mage. Most of them seem to be the face hunters, which I can just heal out of and hold board by playing on curve.

Druid is favoured, basically just play on curve vs druid and they can't kill all my stuff. Black knight and Vol'jin carry here.

Haven't played a handlock yet. The 2 games were a zoo and a combo warlock, think I lost to the zoo.

Paladin feels fairly even, although I have a favoured matchup. pyromancer/holy nova carry, mind control or black knight deal with Tirion. late game is usually stronger than theirs.

All of the 9 rogues were playing the southsea pirate deck, most of the time I have board easily and the losses are just from burst when I was just about on lethal.

Shaman is a terrible match, I just have no way of clearing all their stuff.

Mirror is mirror, most other priests seem to run Cabal's, so they are usually playing around it and I can just take advantage of that. I try to get them to mind control something like Dr Boom or a blademaster or belcher. Then Rag/mind control wins the game quite often. Actually lost to 2 mech priests iirc.

The only deck changes I've made this season are Harrison for Loatheb, but I just find Loatheb too good. Also have tried thoughtsteal instead of sw:p, but pain just seems better.

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