[DISCUSSION] tell me your internet horror stories (so we can commiserate)?

I am so sorry, I just ranted about how absolutely awful fat-hate is in a comment around yours.

I am so sorry you were hurt like that. what they did is despicable and unacceptable. it says nothing about you, I know that's hard to believe but their words MEAN NOTHING and reflect nothing about you, they only mean..the the person speaking/writing those words is a fucking repugnant moron who doesn't even have basic respect for strangers and individuals as people, that is a very limited fucked up person that you shouldn't care about.

people you care about and love would not and do not say or think things like that, it doesn't even cross their mind, I swear to you.

I am EXTREMELY horribly insecure and won't let people take pictures of me, my boyfriend's parents finally got one and put it in their family calendar and I cried haha because I fucking hate everything about my body/face and what happened to you..jesus christ, I know how hard that would hit me, I would probably be suicidal too (I also have other mental issues and fucked up things that..affect that).

I am so glad you are better. and I seriously would not ever worry or feel embarrassed over that photo..no matter how you look. -it's just a random picture- anyone decent who noticed wouldn't give a flying fuck at all and I'm sure you looked fine, who ever took the time out to type and insult you are fucking lunatics anyway who are undeserving of your attention. I am seriously not telling you this so that to make you feel better because I realize you've moved past it. but it is the truth. either they're trolls or they're despicable critical crazy people (arguably a troll is also that when they go to those lengths), and those are two categories of people..I would never ever listen to or validate. realizing that helped me feel a lot better on the internet, because eventually once you talk to enough people and you're -out there- you are going to get hateful awful messages some time, it happens to everyone, because there are so many assholes in the world. but the good news is there's even more lovely people like most of us here at raoa haha.

sorry to rant at you :)

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