Discussion Thread

how does subtweeting work?

It's always funny how liberals think that all the racism and sexism and reactionary bile from the GOP just springs spontaneously out of some incomprehensible Satanic void in the hearts of "deplorables". The reality is that it's just what inevitably happens when people are made to live in a sick culture where profit, power, and "efficiency" are valued more than compassion, neighborliness, and friendship.

ME Ironically, my pet theory is that the populists are driven by a high level of disgust -- maybe its somewhat similar to that which you display. They're disgusted about different things mind you, but disgust appears to be a salient topic these days.

My moral "disgust" at the current state of my society is 100% justified.

ME I'm sure they [the alt right/white nationalists] agree with this exact phrasing.

We are reaching levels of horseshoe theory that shouldn't even be possible!

/r/neoliberal Thread