Discussion Thread

The relationship with the therapist is the individual most important piece of therapy. Do not feel bad if you try to shop around a bit to find someone that really understands you and gives valuable advice.

If you're strapped for cash a route to get decent therapy for cheap on a short term basis is to find a clinical psych PhD or PsyD program in your state and see if there is anyway you can get therapy from a student. Oftentimes these people are perfectly good at what they do, their sessions will be reviewed by instructors anyways, and it's cheap. Students literally were just in classes learning this stuff, if anything they'll adhere more to recommended guidelines than someone who's been out of education for a long time. There are places near me offering 6 months of therapy for $50 a session, with a sliding scale based on income (with free sessions for low income).

Students all things considered are not going to be ideal compared to credentialed professionals, but they're still good and it's better than nothing. If nothing else, it's cheap therapy while you search for a more permanent option.

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