Do you find that dispatchers tend to be republican/conservative?

Each thing mentioned was not all clumped with being republican, sorry if that wasn't clear. These were independent of each other. Was meant as 1. Racist or at the very least very un pc 2. Republican 3. Not very compassionate. Not they are republican and I know because of these things. All separate, I just didn't give the example from my reason for knowing the political stances.

In regards to me jumping to conclusions and I can't use the word racist, like I refined above, at the very least not pc. And it was many comments, not just a few one offs. And again, I didn't say everyone, I said the ones I work with on this shift specifically. Hence why I'm asking if this seems to be a general lean across many centers - gauging what I should expect. Or if there is no gauge and it completely varies, I'm interested in that too.

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